Good to Go: Mobile Apps & Sites for Simmons Services

app-icon-grid2Though we still spend time on campus, in our classrooms and offices, we also move around. A lot. And we take our computers, phones, and tablets with us. Often, this means encountering unique challenges when using services on various devices.

Fortunately, many services provided by Simmons Technology have high-quality mobile versions or apps to help you work no matter where you are or what device you’re on.

Google Apps



  • Mobile site available and fully functional on most tablets and phones


Simmons Connection

  • The Technology team is developing upgrades to Simmons Connection and AARC that will provide a better experience on mobile devices. The updated mobile interface (coming soon) will allow students to check course schedules and grades on-the-go as well as the student events calendar, directory, campus map, and important phone numbers.