Academic Technology Corner: A Legal Primer for Faculty

Promotional image for A Legal Primer for Faculty

It’s not easy being a faculty instructor. You are expected to know laws affecting you and those you teach, inside and outside of the classroom. If you have ever wondered what certain laws or Simmons policies really require, if you sometimes struggle to balance classroom rights and responsibilities, or if you want to have greater confidence about legal issues in higher education, we invite you to attend this program.

The instructor will answer commonly asked questions by faculty compiled through her more than 25 years of advising and representing colleges and universities, and their faculty, Deans, and Presidents. Attendees will be invited to submit questions prior to the program.

This session is open to ALL faculty—whether you teach online or on-campus. Visit the Faculty Fellows Hub to get complete details on all the sessions being offered.

Interested in signing up for this session? RSVP today!