Tag Archives: 2016

National Cyber Security Awareness Month

There’s been a surprising amount of talk lately about cyber security. This important but often overlooked topic even made an appearance in a presidential debate as “the security aspect of cyber.” We’re not 100% sure what that means, but we do know that October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM), and we want to help you understand the threats to your computers, mobile devices, and data.

Here are some resources to help you learn more and stay safe online:

If you have any questions about cyber security, keeping your devices and data safe, or working with sensitive data at Simmons, the Service Desk is always available to help.

NCSAM graphic

Academic Technology Corner: Faculty Development

Online Faculty Development Series

This session will explore strategies for providing feedback in the Online Classroom. Students need much more support and feedback in the online environment than they may need in a traditional course. Using effective feedback strategies will enable the instructor to identify and meet individual student needs as well as encourage students to participate and continue to participate at a high quality level.

This session is open to ALL faculty—whether you teach online or on-campus. Visit the Faculty Fellows Hub to get complete details on all the sessions being offered.

Interested in signing up for this session? RSVP today!

Moving Forward with Computer Replacements

comp-upgrade-newsDuring September and October, the Technology team has continued planning for the FY17 computer replacement program.

We’ve developed a tentative timeline for working with departments to schedule computer replacements. This timeline is based on several factors, including the average age of computers currently used in each department and the total estimated replacement cost.

Our next steps will be to start interviewing department administrators in November and then begin a pilot rollout of new computers to a subset of five departments. Following the pilot period, we will expand the program quickly to other areas of the College during the 3rd and 4th quarters of the fiscal year.

As the project continues, we’ll share up-to-date information oncomputerupgrades.simmons.edu. If you have specific questions about computer replacements, please contact theService Desk.