Tag Archives: 201702

Emergency Alerts Coming to Desktops & Digital Signage

Emergency iconIn the event of an emergency, we want to ensure that every member of the Simmons community gets the message. To help communicate information as quickly and effectively as possible, Simmons Technology is working in tandem with Public Safety to expand our emergency alert system.

In the near future, the alerts that are sent to your email and phone—via automated voice message and text—will also appear on digital signage on the Academic and Residence Campuses, and as desktop alerts on Simmons-owned computers.

Behind the scenes, Public Safety will make use of one-click alerts that will be sent to the entire community. This means that with the click of a button, Public Safety can send nearly instantaneous alerts of an on-campus emergency via phone, email, computer desktop messages, and digital signage.

Because emergency notifications are only effective if they reach you, we encourage everyone to verify and update your emergency contact information on file with the College. Students should update their info in Simmons Connection (step-by-step instructions) while faculty and staff should use Workday (step-by-step instructions).

Academic Technology Corner: Faculty Development Series

Online Faculty Development Series

This session will look at the best practices for engaging students in meaningful discussion. This will include tips for handling discussions in multiple venues: in a face-to-face classroom, an asynchronous online discussion board and in the synchronous or virtual classroom.

Topics covered will include: establishing community, writing good questions, defining expectations, handling disruptive students and balancing workload. This will be an interactive workshop where you will leave with tools for creating your own engaging classroom activities. Bring your own experience and ideas so everyone can get talking!

This session is open to ALL faculty—whether you teach online or on-campus. Visit the Faculty Fellows Hub to get complete details on all the sessions being offered.

Interested in signing up for this session? RSVP today!

Manage Your Passwords with KeePass

KeePass logo

Creating and keeping track of your passwords is no easy task. They need to meet a lengthy set of criteria in order to be secure. They should be at least eight characters long, and include a capital letter, and a number, and a symbol. And they shouldn’t include any personal information, like your name or birthdate, or any common password elements. Oh, and as a reminder, you shouldn’t reuse passwords for multiple services.

So, once you’ve got all that covered, the hardest part might be remembering your passwords for each online service you use. To help solve this problem, Simmons Technology provides password management software called KeePass, an open-source password manager that helps you to create and store a database of your passwords and only allows access using a single master password.

KeePass is installed on all Simmons-owned Windows and Mac computers. To install KeePass on your personal computer, you can download it at KeePass.info (for Windows) or KeePassX.org (for Mac).

If you decide to use KeePass or another password management tool, please be mindful of phishing attempts via email and never give your master password to anyone. As a reminder, Simmons Technology will never ask you for your password and we’ll never send you a link with a request to change your password.