Tag Archives: 201711

Say My Name: Get Connected with the Voice-Activated Phone Directory

Trying to remember a colleague’s extension? Hoping to make a quick call to the Copy & Mail Center to check if your print job is ready? Just dial x3411 on campus and ask for the person or department you want.

It’s easier than ever to connect by using the Simmons voice-activated directory. Call x3411or 617-521-3411 from off campus and say the name of the person or department you’re looking for and the system will route your call.

You can also search for departments by saying department guide or using synonyms, such as help desk to reach the Technology Service Desk. If the directory is unable to find a match, there’s an operator available to assist you during normal business hours.

Upcoming Changes to Google Drive

In March 2018, Google will retire the desktop app that allows you to sync files from Drive to a folder on your computer. Between now and then, you might see a popup message in Google Drive stating that, “Google Drive for Mac/PC is going away soon. To continue syncing files on your desktop, install Drive File Stream.”

Drive File Stream is a new application that will free up space on your hard drive by storing documents in the cloud but displaying them in a folder on your computer. This change will improve integration with other Google Drive features and allow for seamless updates to shared documents.

Because Drive File Stream is significantly different from the existing app, we’re asking anyone with a Simmons-owned computer not to take action at this time. The Technology team is working to test Drive File Stream and prepare Service Desk technicians to support it. We will follow up early in the spring semester with more information and a detailed upgrade plan for the entire community.

New Media Tech Now Available in C103

Over the past three months, Simmons Technology fully updated the media system in C103 in the Main College Building. This room now has integrated digital tools for use in classes and meetings, including:

  • High-lumen laser projector with a brighter image and a lamp that will never need to be replaced
  • Digital video system that connects to most laptop computers
  • Auto-tracking camera that shifts focus to whoever is speaking. This new camera will enhance video streaming, lecture capture, and web conferencing in the room
  • Audio conferencing infrastructure
  • Touchscreen controls for all room features

Visit the Service Desk website to learn more about C103’s new features, or call us (617-521-2222) to set up an appointment for in-room training.

Photo of C103 in the Main College Building

Scheduling Major Upgrades to Windows 10

Windows 10 logo

Microsoft is now deploying two major upgrades to their standard operating system each year. Because these upgrades are time and resource intensive, we want to ensure that everyone in the community is aware of when Simmons Technology will update the operating system on Simmons-owned computers.

To minimize disruptions to employees, we will delay upgrades to individual computers in order to test the newest version and verify that it works with all software and systems currently in use at Simmons. Windows 10 upgrades will be installed on Technology department, library, and classroom machines before we upgrade faculty and staff computers.

The newest Windows 10 release is currently being tested and will be deployed to the community prior to the spring semester. If you are using a Simmons-owned Windows computer, you will receive more information about this upgrade in January.

If you have questions about this change in the meantime, please contact the Service Desk (617-521-2222).