Tag Archives: Computer

Out with the Old, in with the New: An Introduction to the Computer Replacement Program

In an ongoing effort to provide the best possible service and support, Technology has undergone significant changes in the last year. Many have been upgrades to existing systems or behind the scenes process improvements, but one of the most visible projects will result in the replacement of every eligible faculty and staff computer.

The Computer Replacement Program was started in January, 2011, with the goals of providing access to hardware and software that support teaching, learning, and administration, and deploying computers through a streamlined process that causes minimal disruption to customers. While new computers are a significant investment, upgrading older computers throughout campus improves performance and security and actually reduces the total cost of ownership over the life of each computer.

To accomplish these goals, Simmons Technology has created a deployment team, headed by Roy Balcom, that handles all aspects of computer replacement. The six-week deployment process starts by determining which computers are eligible for upgrades. The deployment team then works with customers and department technology liaisons to identify each customer’s needs, determine the appropriate model of computer to purchase, and create a data migration plan to move all important information to the new computer. Next, the deployment team works with the customer to schedule a date for the replacement and provides a checklist and support to prepare for data transfer. Finally, the customer’s data is migrated to the new computer and it is deployed. Throughout the process, the deployment team maintains open lines of communication to ensure that the new computer is ready for use immediately and that all previous software and data are available and functioning properly.

The Computer Replacement Program has made great strides in less than a year. As of November 21st, 682 computers have been replaced. By the end of 2011, over 95% of all eligible faculty and staff computers will have been upgraded.

To find out more about the Computer Replacement Program, please visit the CRP website. If you have specific questions about the program, you can email [email protected].