Tag Archives: Virus and Malware

Viruses and malware: Not just for Windows anymore

We know that many people on campus make Macs their first choice when purchasing a new laptop. We also know that Apple has long had a reputation for being impervious to viruses, malware, and other malicious code, and that people sometimes think only computers with Windows become infected with viruses. Unfortunately, that’s just not true.

In the last few weeks, Apple has been at the center of a security controversy because of a piece of malicious software called the Flashback Trojan. This software was installed without people’s knowledge, on an estimated 600,000 Macs via a security defect. This was the largest known infection of Macs to date, and a good reminder that everyone should be aware of the importance of security, no matter what brand of computer you own.

Luckily, Apple has responded quickly to develop a tool to remove Flashback and there is also a website (created by antivirus software maker Kaspersky Lab) where you can check to see if your Mac has been infected.

These are great solutions to this particular outbreak, but there are a couple of things you can do to keep your Mac safe all the time. First, make sure that your Mac’s software is up to date (Click the Apple logo in the upper left corner of your screen, and then click “Software Update”). Frequently, Apple releases security updates and other important improvements to software, and letting the Software Update tool download and install these updates makes your computer safer. Secondly, you should have up-to-date antivirus software running on your Mac. Simmons offers a free download of Sophos antivirus for all students, staff, and faculty.

Remember, computer security is important no matter what kind of computer you have. If you take simple steps now to protect your computer, it will save you time, effort, and money in the long run.