Zoom Pronouns

Zoom has made sharing your personal pronouns in Zoom meetings simpler and more flexible. To take advantage of the new pronoun feature, make sure your computer has the latest version of Zoom and add your pronouns to your Zoom profile by:

  1. Open a browser, go to https://simmons.zoom.us, and log in.
  2. When you profile loads, click the Edit link to the right of your name.
  3. Scroll down to the Pronouns field and enter your pronouns as you would like them to appear in Zoom.
  4. Select how you would like to share your pronouns.
  5. Click Save.

When you join your next meeting, Zoom will display your pronouns according to the method you selected in your profile.

Zoom releases new versions of its client software on a regular basis. You can install any available updates from within the Zoom client. If you need assistance, please contact the Service Desk.