In order to create a better and more useful one-stop location for Simmons information, we have begun a project to replace MySimmons. The new system, called Simmons Connection, will improve on the existing portal and add new features, such as email integration, collaboration tools, and, soon, integration with Simmons Moodle.
In January, we sent a survey to students asking what you liked about MySimmons and what you would like to see changed or added to a new system. Based on this feedback, we began designing Simmons Connection from the ground up with your needs in mind. For example, we are working to add features you requested, such as a combined calendar/course schedule, as well as access to other Simmons services without having to log in separately.
In addition to building the Simmons Connection, we are also designing mobile apps so you can access this information from any device.
Simmons Connection will be available to students beginning Summer 2012. As soon as it’s ready, we’ll send an announcement along with information about new features and how to use them.
And don’t worry, Simmons Connection isn’t just for students. We will soon be sending a separate survey to faculty and staff to find out what features you want and need and we’ll then begin designing a version of Simmons Connection just for you.