Tag Archives: 202110

Required Zoom Software Updates

Zoom logoBeginning November 1st, Zoom will require updates to their software to ensure it is no more than nine months behind the current version, at any given time. From that point on, users will be prompted to update their software when using the platform should their version fall behind this nine-month window.

To prepare for the new schedule and avoid service disruption, we recommend you update to the latest release prior to November 1st.  Please see our How-To article on updating Zoom or reach out to the Service Desk for assistance.

Wireless Update

Wifi LogoThe return to a campus under construction has introduced some challenges as we learn to adjust temporarily to a higher density environment.  Technology has taken significant steps to ensure better wireless connectivity on both the main and residence campuses.  

It continues to be important for us to know where and when issues are occurring so we can ensure adequate coverage and bandwidth everywhere.  You may do this quickly by reporting problems to the Service Desk via our Wireless Network Support form.