Tag Archives: 201403

Enhancing Data Security and Protecting Sensitive Information

laptop_newsletterRecently, there have been several high-profile cases in which colleges’ sensitive information has been made publicly available via cyber attacks, phishing scams, or internal error. These data breaches have taken a reputational and financial toll on Boston University, the University of Maryland, and Indiana University, and exposed the data of more than 450,000 students and employees.

We’d like to take this opportunity to remind you to be aware of unlawful attempts to access your data, and to communicate a change we’ve instituted to make some Simmons websites more readily identifiable.

Phishing scams are attempts to obtain confidential information using emails, websites, and even phone calls that appear to be from a trusted source. Often, phishing emails mask the “from” address to create the appearance that they’ve been sent by a colleague or friend, or as an alert from your bank. Links included in these emails will direct you to websites that look very much like the sites for services you use and will ask you to enter your username and password or other personal information.

Recent widespread examples of phishing scams have affected Gmail and Bank of America. While some scams are very sophisticated, there are a few things you can do to stay safe.

First, do not click links in emails that appear to be suspicious and never respond to an email requesting sensitive information. If an email contains suspicious links or requests for information from a trusted source, navigate to their website manually (instead of clicking a link) or call them to verify the request.

When visiting secure websites, check the address bar in your web browser to make sure it matches what you’re seeing on-screen. For example, all secure website addresses at Simmons begin with https:// and end with the .simmons.edu domain.

To help make our secure websites more easily identifiable, we’ve introduced visual identifiers for login.simmons.edu and connection.simmons.edu. If you see green on the left side of the address bar along with the text “Simmons College (US),” you’re in the right place.


Finally, remember that a trusted source, such as Simmons College, will never ask for your password or other personal information via email or phone. If you’re unsure about the validity of an email or website, you can always contact the Service Desk at 617-521-2222 for help.


Doing More with Google Docs and Sheets

Within the Technology team, we’ve been using Google Drive for much of our project planning and collaborative work. While Docs is a great alternative to using Microsoft Office and helps us to work together more effectively, it also lacks some of the small but integral tools necessary for certain kinds of work.

In an effort to close those gaps, Google has introduced Add-ons for Docs and Sheets, a set of tools created by outside developers and verified by Google. The Add-ons cover a wide range of features, from creating tables of contents and bibliographies, to track changes and advanced diagramming and flowchart creation.

To begin using Add-ons, click the Add-ons menu while working in any Doc or Spreadsheet.

Google Docs menu

Next, click Get Add-ons.

Google Docs Add-ons menu

From there, you can choose from a wide variety of tools. To help you get started, here are two Add-ons we think the Simmons community will find useful.

Track Changes
While Google Docs helpfully keeps track of changes to a document, it doesn’t allow you make changes that must be accepted by a collaborator. The Track Changes Add-on fixes that and adds a feature that many Microsoft Word users desperately wanted to see in Google Drive.

Track Changes Add-on

Hassle-free Bibliographies
If you’re working on a research paper in Google Docs and you need a citation, the EasyBib Add-on allows you to search for books, articles, and websites, and then creates a bibliographic entry in MLA, APA, or Chicago style. Once you have added your sources, EasyBib will even create an alphabetized list of citations at the end of the document.

EasyBib Add-on

These are just two of the many Add-ons available. To find more, click the Add-ons menu or browse all of the available Add-ons.

Using GoToMeeting in Your Classroom

Did you know that our new phone and web conferencing platform isn’t just for business meetings?

GoToMeeting features built-in chat, webcam sharing, HD video, and screen sharing and recording capabilities, making it ideal for creating recorded course content, hosting virtual office hours, inviting remote guest lecturers to your class, and more.

Best of all, GoToMeeting is available on all Simmons computers and can be installed on your personal computer, tablet, or smartphone.

Simmons Technology has created a guide to help faculty get started with GoToMeeting quickly and easily. If you’d like one-to-one assistance, please contact the Service Desk at 617-521-2222.

The Digital Ecosystem Project

Simmons Technology, in partnership with Marketing, is currently engaged in a collaborative, campus-wide effort to improve digital communication and increase engagement with Simmons College by optimizing the user experience on our website, portal, student mobile app, and digital signage, among others.

This is a long-term project using a phased approach. Phase I will focus on our externally-facing website and the development of a student-focused mobile app. Tools on the new site will enhance how we tell the story of Simmons and improve content management by implementing a new platform that will serve as the foundation of our digital ecosystem.

The Digital Ecosystem Project team will be sending updates detailing current developments and hosting meetings on campus to gather community feedback and to keep everyone in the loop on the project’s progress.

Visit the Digital Ecosystem Project site for more information about the project’s scope and timeline. Please note that you’ll need to be logged in to your Simmons Google Apps account to access the site.